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  Configuration file changes in Sitecore CMS and DMS 6.6.0 rev. 121203 compared to CMS and DMS 6.6.0 rev. 121015.

This update requires you to make changes to the following files:

The clean config files for Sitecore CMS and DMS 6.6.0 rev.121203 can be downloaded using the following links:

Changes to the Sitecore.Mvc.config.disabled file

: If you have enabled Sitecore MVC, this file will be named Sitecore.Mvc.config.

Tip: Most customers have not made any changes to the Sitecore.Mvc.config.disabled file. In that case, we strongly recommend that you simply download the clean config file using the link above.

The following changes have been made to the Sitecore.Mvc.config.disabled file of Sitecore CMS 6.6.0 rev.121203 (Update-2) as compared to the Sitecore.Mvc.config.disabled file of Sitecore CMS 6.6.0 rev. 121015 (Update-1):

  1. In the <httpRequestBegin> pipeline, add a node for a new processor of type DisplayFatalErrors as the first processor. The <httpRequestBegin> pipeline now looks like this in a default Sitecore installation:
      <processor type="Sitecore.Mvc.Pipelines.HttpRequest.DisplayFatalErrors, Sitecore.Mvc" patch:after="processor[@type='Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.IgnoreList, Sitecore.Kernel']" />
      <processor type="Sitecore.Mvc.Pipelines.HttpRequest.TransferRoutedRequest, Sitecore.Mvc" patch:after="processor[@type='Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.ItemResolver, Sitecore.Kernel']" />
      <processor type="Sitecore.Mvc.Pipelines.HttpRequest.TransferControllerRequest, Sitecore.Mvc" patch:after="processor[@type='Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.LayoutResolver, Sitecore.Kernel']" />
      <processor type="Sitecore.Mvc.Pipelines.HttpRequest.TransferMvcLayout, Sitecore.Mvc" patch:after="processor[@type='Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.LayoutResolver, Sitecore.Kernel']" />